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The Season of Anya

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love

How to make a Love Spell Jar | The Season of Anya

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love

Ah, love! The feeling that makes the world go 'round. It's a beautiful thing that we all strive for in life. Whether you're single and searching or in a long-term relationship, or you wish to create a little more love for yourself, love spells can help you manifest the love you are searching for. And what better way to do that than with a homemade love spell jar? These little jars filled with personalized magickal ingredients can be a powerful tool in your spellcasting practices. So, welcome to the world of witchcraft and magic, where love spells can be crafted in a handy dandy jar! Spell jars are a popular form of magic where the practitioner combines various ingredients and energies in a jar to cast a spell. Love spell jars, in particular, are used to attract love and romance into your life. In this blog post, we will be discussing the history of spell jars and love spell jars and delve into creating detailed spell jars for love.

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love

Also, if you're new to Spell Jars, head on over to my Youtube Channel The Season of Anya and check out my Abundance Spell Jar video ;)

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Magic Spell Jar

Let's dive in first by going over a brief history of Spell Jars, and Love jars in particular.

History of Spell Jars and Love Spell Jars

The practice of using spell jars in witchcraft and paganism dates back centuries. In the Medieval Era, witches began using bottles and jars as a storage container for various ingredients, from healing herbs to protection wards. The practice became so popular that it soon evolved into spell jars containing a mix of ingredients for a specific purpose. There is a jar spell for: love spell jar, happiness spell jar, money spell jar, honey jar spell, etc.

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Personalize your spell jar with herbs

Love spell jars, in particular, became popular in the 17th century when the belief in love magic and love charms were prominent. The spells were usually cast during the waxing moon phase, believed to be an optimal time for manifestation. Love spell jars contain herbs, crystals, and oils meant to increase romantic interest, passion, and intimacy. These ingredients serve not only as physical representations of the desire one is trying to manifest, but they also empower the spell with their energetic properties.

The popularity of love spell jars in modern witchcraft increased after the release of Charmed TV series in the 90s, where the three sisters frequently cast love spells using honey jars. Since then, many witches have adopted this practice in their own spell work. I may be aging myself right now, but if it's good enough for the Halliwell Sisters, it's good enough for me! (Juuuuust kidding guys! But you know we all watched Charmed.)

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Honey Jar

It’s important to note that while love spell jars can be an effective tool, they should never be used to control or manipulate someone else’s free will. The goal of a love spell jar should be to attract love and positive energy into your life and should never be used to harm others.

Before going too deep into creating your spell jar for love, here's one witches Pro's vs Con's list on doing a Love Spell Jar:

Pro's and Cons of Love Jars

Pros on Creating a Love Jar

1. Easy to create: Creating a love spell jar is easy and requires only a few simple steps. All you need is a jar (aesthetically i love a pretty jar with a cork) herbs that you can commonly find in your spice cabinet, crystals, and a candle.

2. Enhances your vibrations: The herbs and crystals used in a love spell jar are believed to enhance your vibrations and attract positive energy into your life. This can help you feel more positive and confident, which is attractive to potential partners. For spell jars I love these tiny crystals, they're a little cheaper and you can sprinkle them in.

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Crystals add that extra oomph needed for any spell jar

3. Customizable: Love spell jars are highly customizable and can be tailored to your specific needs. You can choose herbs and crystals that resonate with you and add personal touches such as photos or love notes. Aside from the basics, I love using loveage root (make sure it's the root and not the herb itself), as well as tiny rose buds as they invoke that loving energy. Plus you can use these for a ritual bath at a later time or even use the jar for a future spell jar.

4. Affordable: A love spell jar doesn't have to break the bank! The materials used in creating a love spell jar are affordable and can be found in most craft stores, plus you can up-cycle them.

Cons on Creating a Love Jar:

1. Not Guaranteed: I think this one goes without saying but here we go. While love spell jars can enhance your vibrations and attracting love, they are not guaranteed to work. There are no guarantees that you will find love or attract positive energy into your life. It's about connecting with the energy you are trying to attract. With that said, give it TIME.

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Love spells are not guaranteed

2. Requires Energy: Creating a love spell jar requires intention and energy. If you're not fully committed to the process, it might not work as well as you'd hope, which goes for all spells, manifestations and spell work. It's better to do them less frequently and put the right intention with your full energy into it.

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Spiritual Chaos

3. Can be Misused: While love spells can be used for good, they can also be misused. It's important to ensure your intentions are pure and not manipulating someone else's free will. It's not going to work, and you'll just come off as desperate. Instead, invoke the spirit of love.

4. Spiritual Risks: Using magic and spells can have spiritual risks, especially if you don't fully understand what you're doing. It's important to research and educate yourself before creating a spell jar. As long as you're not weird, manipulative, or controlling about it, you'll be fine. Just don't put the energy of desperation into it, ya dig?

Creating a Spell Jar for Love

Before you start creating your love spell jar, it is essential to know your intention. Do you want to attract love, strengthen an existing relationship, or heal a broken heart? Is it for romantic love, or self love? Self love spell jars are one of my FAVORITE ways to reconnect with myself.

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Self Love Spell Jars

Once you know your intention, gather the necessary ingredients such as rose petals, jasmine, cinnamon, rose quartz, a honey jar is always a must, and other herbs or crystals that resonate with love energy. Cleanse your ingredients under running water or with sage, then add them to your jar. Visualize your desired outcome while focusing your energy into the jar, and then activate the spell. Seal your jar with candle wax, remember to charge that bad boy up once. month, and you’re done!

Let's break this down into a little more detail:

1. Choosing a Jar

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Mason jars are great for spell jars

The first step in creating your love spell jar is to choose the perfect jar. It's important to select a glass jar with a lid that's tight-fitting only if you're going to seal it with wax or something warm. Otherwise plastic is fine. If you want to be particular, glass will keep your ingredients stay fresh and potent for as long as possible. The size doesn't matter, as long as it's big enough to hold your magical ingredients. It's a good idea to cleanse and bless your jar with some sage before using it, to rid it of any negative energy.

2. Selecting Your Ingredients

When thinking about the ingredients for your love spell jar, it's essential to consider your intentions and the kind of love you want to attract. Some popular ingredients for love spells include dried rose petals, lavender, cinnamon sticks, rose quartz crystals, honey, and essential oils (I love a good fire amber or jasmine essential oil bled for this.. You can add anything that resonates with you and your desires. It's essential to research each ingredient and its magical properties before adding them to your jar, though. Best at least understand what you're feeling called towards!

3. Assembling Your Jar

Once you have all your ingredients ready, it's time to assemble your jar. Start by filling the bottom of the jar with your dried herbs, then add your crystals, oils, and other ingredients. As you do this, focus on your intentions and visualize yourself with the love you desire. Be sure to add a piece of paper with your intentions written on it, so the universe can understand what you want. Seal the jar by screwing the lid on; you can add some wax to make it extra secure. Pink wax from a pink candle is one of the best ways to get that amazing self love energy into your jar.

4. Activating Your Spell

Your love spell jar is now ready for activation. You can do this by holding the jar in your hands and focusing on your intentions and desires. Say a chant or a prayer to the universe and place the jar in a special place. You can also bury it outdoors, preferably under a rose bush or in a garden, to let it activate and connect with nature. It's important to leave the jar in a safe, quiet place that you won't disturb.

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Meditate with your jar under the nights sky

5. Recharging Your Spell

After a while, your love spell jar may require recharging, as its energy fades or becomes stagnant. I like to recharge my spell jars on the New Moon of each month. You can do this by repeating the activation process or adding or removing ingredients to suit your desires and energy. Always trust yourself and your intuition when recharging your spell jar; it's important to ensure that you're still aligned with your intentions and the love you desire.

FAQs about Love Spell Jars

1. How does a love spell jar work?

A love spell jar works by combining the energy of your intention with the energy of the ingredients in the jar. The jar acts as a container for the energy and sends it out to the universe, which goes for anything in life.

2. Can a love spell jar be reused?

Yes, love spell jars can be reused for the same intention or a similar one. If you're going to reuse it, I would suggest connecting with it's energy under a full moon.

3. How long does a love spell jar last?

There is no definite answer to how long a love spell jar lasts. It depends on many factors such as the strength of your intention and the energy of the ingredients used.

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Any sized jar can work for a spell jar

4. Does the size of the jar matter?

The size of the jar does not matter as long as it can contain the ingredients and your intention.

5. Can I add something personal to my love spell jar?

Yes, you can add something personal like a photo or personal items that resonate with your intention.

6. Can anyone make a love spell jar?

Yes, anyone can make a love spell jar regardless of experience. Remember to be respectful and cautious with your intentions and energy.

7. Can I cast a love spell jar for someone else?

No, it is not recommended to cast a love spell jar for someone else without their consent.

8. Are there any specific moon phases or days to make a love spell jar?

There is no specific moon phase or day to make a love spell jar, but it is recommended to do it during a new or full moon.

9. Can a love spell jar backfire?

A love spell jar can backfire if done with negative intentions or unethical practices.

10. Can I break a spell jar if I change my mind?

Yes, you can break a spell jar by burying it in the earth or throwing it in running water.

How to Make A Love Spell Jar to Attract All Types of Love | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Love comes in all shapes and sizes

Love spell jars are a beautiful way to attract love and romance into your life. By combining your intention with the right ingredients and energy, you can cast a powerful spell that sends out your love vibration to the universe. Remember to be respectful, ethical, and cautious when practicing magic. With the right mindset, intentions, ingredients, and energy, you can create an amazing love spell jar that will bring you the love and romance you desire. However, it's important to consider both the pros and cons before creating one. If you're willing to invest time, energy, and intention into this practice, love spell jars can be a beneficial addition to your spiritual practice. Always remember to be kind and mindful of your actions when using magic and spells.


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