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The Season of Anya

Moon Magick: New Moon Water for May

Moon Magick: May New Moon Water | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Moon Magick: May New Moon Water | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |

Moon Magick: New Moon Water for May

May has been a very powerful time of year for me this season, it's 5:00 in the morning and the birds are singing their sweet song up until the sun sets at nearly 8:00. It's a very beautiful time of year, we are still in that delicious Beltane energy of creation and vibrancy, that sweet spot of half way between spring and summer.

Here in Southern California, we've had the most rain in over 100 years, and in fact we've got more rain than Seattle. Many of us have bee complaining for the last 6 months about this "terrible weather", but the magick of this season is the beautiful, BEAUTIFUL flowers may has brought upon us. Over here after a good rainy season, we are gifted what's called a superbloom, which is where the wildflowers around here go crazy!

It's like everything around here is displayed in 4k streaming--everything is incredibly vivid, almost uncanny and just screams "SUNSHINE AND RAINBOWS", so naturally, you can't help but appreciate the beauty and wonderment of the natural magick that's all around us.

Even if you don't live in San Diego, this is the general energy we are working with in the Northern Hemisphere right now: April Showers bring may flowers. Yeah, things may have been a little gray, but what magick awaits around the corner?

Witch Dancing | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Witch Dancing | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |

May New Moon Meditation & Energy

The energy I'm bringing into this season, with this New Moon for May, as cliche and cheesy as it is, is where can I bring more of that sparkle and rainbow into my life. If the May 2023 New Moon were to represent a tarot card, it would be that of the 4 of Wands. The party has started, good times are to be had, all you have to do is come enter and be apart of it.

But that's it right? How many times do we create distance from ourselves, from our magick, from thriving because on a subconscious level, we don't feel that we deserve it? Well guess what, what we do and don't deserve is entirely subjective and why are we in a constant state of holding ourselves back? It's time to lean into the magick, witches.

This isn't just a "get drunk with other witches" type of celebration, think of it as a dance circle where everyone has to do the thing and stand in the middle and gets 15 seconds to show off their moves. For many of us, celebrating the self is absolute cringe, right? Putting the spotlight on ourselves induces a gag reflex right?

No one else can celebrate you if you can't even celebrate yourselves witches. This is a time of year where we can lean into the funk, and the rhythm, and get creative and have some fun with ourselves. It's time to be playful, energetic, and poke fun at yourselves, so we can allow ourselves to show up, and be in the moment, by letting go of the self-imposed fear of the self.

What's so scary about having the spotlight on you? Don't know what to do in the heat of the moment? Allow yourself to have fun! Yes, surrendering to spirit, and being on a healing journey has many serious undertones, but with everything, the seasons change and we are in a season of having fun! The soul needs to play and let go and have fun, as it's also apart of the healing journey.

With this month's May Flower full moon, I wrote myself a love letter and decided to end the chapter of holding onto fear. After I wrote my letter, I burned it, and released that fear into the cosmos. Especially with all the tasty eclipse energy we had, we were able to reveal a lot of our shadows, but now it's time to use that same energy to manifest the new. With that said, this is a great moon for Moon water, which I don't typically do on new moons.

With burning away my fear, it's time to receive blessings, encouragement and strength. It's time to receive. For this new moon I will be creating a moon water and drinking it as a literal act of receiving. I want to manifest more playlful energy into my life, so I will be sitting on a new moon meditation for individuality through playfulness.

Smile | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Smile | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |

May New Moon Water Spell

To create a new moon water blessing, simply fill up your new moon water with drinking water, and on the night of new moon May 19th sit at your altar or underneath the night sky and gaze up at the twinkling stars, feel and receive their potency, that luminous starseed energy. Gaze at or envisioning those stars shining bright, as they glow in their own unique individual way, with their individuality they gleam and glisten, and flow together in a beautiful dance in the darkness, together as one.

Sit with your new moon water in your lap, or hold it in your hands, and keep it in your presence when sitting with the delicious energy. While sitting in this energy imagine that started energy flowing through you spirit, and through your physical body, all the way to your hands and beaming into that moon water. Envision how you can show up to be more playful in your own life. What would that look like? Is it simply allowing yourself to smile more? What are you so afraid of? It's time to smile more, and cry less, witches. Embrace the playful, embrace the fun.

After you've created this beautiful imagery of a vibrant, and playful tomorrow, take a sip of your moon water and say to yourself "I receive these blessings of the universe". Drink as much or as little as you're called to. If you feel called to do some, new moon divination can end you workings off with the message from divinity you need to hear this moon phase.

Drink this water daily and be sure to finish it by the next full moon as the energy will "expire" by then. I recommend drinking this water with that same magickal intention for the next three days to a week so you can be full immersed in it.

Enjoy this time of year witches, soon we will be approaching the summer solstice and entering the dark half of the year before you know it. Time to enjoy the surrender, and enjoy the flowers. Blessed be.

Flowers | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
Flowers | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |

Got any fun ideas for how you celebrate this May's New Moon? Tell us in the comments and thank you all for taking the journey of The Season of Anya with me, don't forget to follow us on Youtube @SeasonofAnya!



Witchcraft for Beginners & Spiritual Yoga Blog

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