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What to Expect from the Season of Anya: Yoga Magick and Witchcraft

The Season of Anya: A Yoga and Witchcraft Guide | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
The Season of Anya: A Yoga and Witchcraft Guide | The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |

What to Expect from the Season of Anya: Where Yoga Meets Witchcraft

Hello and WELCOME to the Season of Anya, the Chronicles of a Yoga Witch.

If you are new to my blog, please take a moment and read the first few posts, right here, tagged "Getting Started"

I feel like my readers should have a basic understanding of the world through my eyes, to make more sense of how I personally interpret the world, my general perspective, and how it's gotten me through life as I know it.

My story is still unfolding, every day, in this blog.

The main emphasis is going to be how I've used magick and witchcraft to empower myself, empower others, and maybe even empower you! So if that sounds like something you're interested in, why don't you come and join me for the ride?

Sometimes people refer to witchcraft as "spicy psychology". I love this meaning because to me, it can be just that. It enables you to rewire your brain to tell yourself new stories, ideally happier ones about yourself, about the world, and how every thought and action you take part in manifests and how what you say to yourself can really impact your life, and even the life of others, and quite frankly the world. (Yes I can be quite the opposite).

With that said, it's going to be a nice little mish mosh of witchy and yogi self through through my personal experiences, some magickal, and others of pain and reality. I will discuss ways to overcome pain, and to overcome life's obstacles. I'll also not only tell you about the tools I use, but how to use them and develop your own personal practice should something interest you. I love using tarot and oracle cards, so there will be plenty of information on how to read for yourself.

Since I know a lot of witches, I do want to put a disclaimer here and mention that this is MY journey through witchcraft. Witchcraft, in many many forms has existed for a millennia and there are many academic approaches to this. While I have a throughout understanding of witchery, I'm not here to claim to be an expert on anything. Through journeying on this path, I have been able to apply what I know about myself to change my own life and I am simply here to share that with anyone who is willing to listen.

I created this as an easy-to-digest, modern guide that aligns with anyone, regardless of their religious background. It's going to be short and sweet, and easy to apply to your every day life so you can easily make a little bit of time to dedicate to your practice while still maintaining balance with the demands and needs of life. It's not about how busy you are or aren't, it's about carving out even just that 10 minutes for yourself every day and dedicating it to your practice. I promise, it gets easier over time and soon it will be of second nature to you. This isn't about being in a fantasy, but just allowing yourself to broaden your perspective and allowing yourself to see what can happen.

The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |
The Season of Anya Witchcraft for Beginners | Spiritual Yoga Witch |

While I discuss my experiences, I will be referring to words that specifically apply to my own personal practice. You'll hear me say witch, coven, spells, among other words. But if those words don't apply to you, I still encourage you to journey with me in your authentic version. Feel free to use words like manifestation, law of attraction, energy work, light-worker, God Jesus, and others may be more fitting about you and your practice. I encourage you to be open minded and understand that everything that I do or say is simply about intent.

When you learn how to work with intention in your own practice, which suites you and your lifestyle, habits and personal believes is when you start living your life in true alignment. It's not easy, but I promise if you do it gets better.

Congrats, you've already completed the first lesson, so buckle up buttercup because it's going to be a long ride.

At the end of the day, everyone has different perspectives on life, and it really boils down to how YOU view the world. No body else should ever tell you how to see the world, or how to live YOUR life. You only get one chance at life, so do yourself a favor and make it something grand, let's do this!

Until the next one.

With Love and Gratitude,



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