Moon Magic for Yoga Witches
Hold on to your brooms, witches, we're in for a ride today with this topic!
When it comes to Moon magic and witches, the sky is truly the limit! ... Get it? The sky? Annnyway- Witches love celebrating the different cycles of the moon; we've got the Full Moon, New Moon, Dark Moon, Waning Moon, and Waxing Moon (See my Youtube Videos on the Blue Moon as a part of my Anya Challenge xoxo). Each phase and cycle has various different effects on our planet, and on ourselves. Using these different and powerful astrological events to bring about deep transformation, or manifest your desires. With a little bit of practice and knowledge, you can tap into the power of the entire moon cycle and use its energy for all sorts of magical workings.
Modern witches can take advantage of the energy of the Moon in a variety of ways. Start by learning about how the moon cycles connect with each season and use this information to craft your own unique moon spell. You could also use the power of crystals and herbs to give your magick an extra boost (I'll include a lil Top 3 Lists for each cycle and the best crystals and herbs below xxx). Write down in your Book of Shadows what each moon cycle means to you, what you did during each cycle, the herbs you used, and how they affected ritual. Keep that up and in a year's time you'll have your own little book on the moon phases!
Witches have been known throughout history to work with the moon, whether we are trying to Draw Down the Moon, or dance under its shining light around a bonfire, we are somehow drawn to it. From protection spells and healing rituals to money magick and more, the possibilities are only limited by your imagination. In this blog, we'll dive into the different types of Moon Magic you can work throughout the different moon phases listed above, here we go!
What is Full Moon Magic
What do witches do during the mysterious (spoooooky lol) full moon? Do we dance around a bonfire naked, throwing sacrifices in to feed the hungry flames? Do we paint our faces with runes and scream our desires into the black of night? Okay... Sometimes my coven does that last part.
The Full Moon is great for goal setting and intention setting. Take some time out to meditate under the light of the Full Moon energy, letting your mind drift as you visualize what it is that you would like to bring into your life. When the moon is at its fullest, so is your potential. Take advantage of the moon during this phase to truly begin diving into what you want your life to be.
Top 3 Herbs and Crystals for Full Moon Rituals:
Best Herbs for Full Moon:
Cleansing herbs such as Sage, Palo Santo (harvest these appropriately based on the land you are on), or water blessed with herbs are great for cleansing space before a ritual.
Rosemary is great for any prosperity and abundance workings you may want to do this Full Moon.
Dragons Blood is one of my FAAAVVVES for creating a protective space for me to open myself up completely in ritual.
Best Cystrals for Full Moon:
Clear Quartz is a great go-to if you are unsure what crystals you want to use during this full moon. It can stand in for a lot of different types of workings.
Moon Stone is almost an obvious one, it's in the name!! Try looking at the different beautiful colors it shines under a gorgeous full moon.
3. Citrine is also great to pair with Rosemary for those prosperity or abundance energies you want to dance under during the full moon.
When is the New Moon in Witchcraft
To gain a further understanding of New Moon energy, check out my blog for the July New Moon!
New moon cycle's are when the moon is at 1 % or more illumination in the sky. It's the time for new beginnings, new ideas. Things you planted in the dark moon now coming into the light. It's the time for understanding where you're headed on your path, and how you'll get there. The moon is just beginning to shine, and she will continue to grow until the next moon cycle, so let yourself shine and grow during this new moon cycle.
Top 3 Herbs and Crystals for New Moon Rituals:
Best Herbs for New Moon:
Chamomile does wonders to relax you and get your mind into a calm headspace to tackle these new beginnings.
Myrrh can aid in healing during these new moon cycles, and we know I loves me a good healing herb!
Cinnamon is frequently used during the beginning of new phases of life as a way to enhance prosperity and return things to the practitioner.
Best Crystals for New Moon:
Amethyst is great for enhancing the energies of the plans or ideas you previously planted that you want to grow during this new moon cycle.
Tourmalinated Quartz can help you break through any blockages that have stopped you from achieving your goals this new moon cycle.
Smokey Quartz is going to be great to ground you to yourself during this phase of new beginnings.
When is the Dark Moon in Witchcraft
The dark moon phase is honored when there is zero illumination in the sky, when the night is darkest. It is time to face the darkness within yourself during this time, to not only face your demons, but dance with them. There are many gods, goddesses, and deities that can help you during this time. Hecate is a big one that everyone automatically associates with darkness and the dark moon, but not many people think about Persephone. She is the goddess of Springtime, but also Queen of the Underworld. She exists as an in-between for those who enjoy playing in the light: The embodiment of light divine feminine and the dark divine feminine.
Top 3 Herbs and Crystals for Dark Moon Rituals:
Dark Moon Herbs
Myrrh is also on this list because it can be used to awaken the inner shadows inside of you you wish to face during this dark moon.
Patchouli is an ancient herb used to help bring forth things we do not want in our lives.
Star Anise has protective qualities that can aid you when you are looking into those deep, dark shadows of yourself during this dark moon cycle.
Dark Moon Crystals
Labradorite: Labradorite is also known as a moonstone left in the ground too long. It has the same shimmer affect that moonstones do, but parallel to the light and bright moonstone, labradorite is darker and is great to use during dark moons.
Obsidian protects the wearer from unwanted energies, what better time than the dark moon to guard yourself against the unwanted energies of the darkness?
Snowy Quartz reminds us of the light that forever exists in us, even during the dark times of the dark moon.
Waning Moon Magic
The waning moon is the phase when the moon is shrinking, and its energy we are focusing on will be oriented towards release, banishing, and letting go. Be like the waning phase of the moon and release! During this phase, let go of anything that no longer serves you and is holding you back. It's the perfect time to work with the beautiful moon magic that involves clearing, cleansing, and releasing negative energies. Saying your house, doing a cord cutting, the possibilities are endless.
Waning Moon Herbs
Sage is a powerful herb that is ideal for cleansing, purifying, and removing negative energy. After you've released all that yuck, sage yourself and your space to begin that wonderful new journey.
Mugwort is perfect for promoting lucid dreaming, psychic abilities, and spiritual growth. It is also perfect for letting go of old patterns and beliefs that no longer serve you. Work with Mugwort right before you do your waning moon ritual.
Lemon Balm is perfect for promoting calmness and relaxation. It can be used for releasing negative thoughts and emotions and for promoting mental clarity. What sounds better than that after an evening of releasing, clearing out, and dealing with all those emotional roller coasters anyway?
Waning Moon Crystals
Black Tourmaline is a great stone for banishing negative energy and releasing.
Obsidian can be a powerful stone to use during this time to protect yourself and your energy during the raw emotions that come with setting boundaries and releasing.
Black Onyx is protective stone is said to absorb negative energies and transmute them into positive ones. It's also associated with strength, grounding, and self-control, making it a great choice for banishing spells and shadow work.
Waxing Moon Phase
The waxing moon is the phase when the moon is growing, and its energy is oriented towards abundance, growth, and manifestation. It's the perfect time to work with magic that involves attraction, fertility, growth, and expansion. During this phase, focus your energy on what you want to achieve and manifest in your life. Start a dream board or a spell jar that embodies the new future you want to attract.
Waxing Moon Herbs
Cinnamon spice is often used in candle magic and spells for success, growth, and attraction. Its warm, spicy scent is also great for creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere during rituals and ceremonies!
Lavender is associated with love, harmony, and calming energy. It is perfect for setting intentions related to self-love, attracting new friendships or relationships, and for calming your mind during meditation.
Patchouli is known for its grounding properties and is perfect for those who want to manifest a new situation in their life. It also helps promote personal growth and spiritual development.
Waxing Moon Crystals
Moonstone crystals are said to enhance intuition and clairvoyance, making it a great ally for divination and visionary work. It's also associated with fertility, abundance, and new beginnings, making it a great choice for manifesting your desires.
Citrine is perfect for attracting abundance and success into your life. It also helps boost energy levels, making it an ideal crystal for those who want to achieve a new goal.
Rose Quartz is known as the stone of love and is perfect for those who want to manifest romantic love or self-love during this phase.
How to Do a Moon Ritual
You could also make use of Full Moon rituals, such as creating an altar with objects that represent your intentions, taking a moon bath (washing yourself with water charged under the light of the moon) or crafting a spell jar filled with symbols that represent your wishes.
No matter what kind of ritual you choose to do, remember that the most important part is setting your intention. Spend some time in stillness and contemplation beforehand, focusing on what it is that you wish to manifest or bring into your life.
Creating sacred space is a great way to deepen your connection with the Moon cycle's magic. Take some inspiration from the little mini lists above, and don't worry I'll be coming out with some great content on those lists soon! Keep an eye out for those. Just taking a few moments to silently sit under the moonlight can be incredibly powerful and help clear your mind, getting you ready to work some beautiful and powerful magic during these moon phases!
Moon Magic FAQ's
1. What is the best time to perform magic under the Full Moon?
I have two answers for this question, and the first is the most important: The best time to perform magic under the Full Moon is at that point in the moon's cycle when it feels right for you! Don't feel pressured to start your magic at any point that doesn't feel right, or if you've missed a certain time frame, don't let it stop you! Now, my second answer is for those of you like me who don't mind technicalities (most of the time); The best time to perform magic under the Full Moon is when the moon is at its peak. You can check the Full Moon's schedule online or use a lunar calendar to plan your rituals around the peak of the Full Moon!
2. Can I perform magic during the day of the New Moon?
3. How do I connect with the energy of the moon?
4. What is the difference between the New Moon and the Dark Moon?
5. What is the significance of the Dark Moon in magic?
Check out my new YouTube video coming out soon that talks about how working with the Moon Cycles has drastically changed my life, witchy and mundane, and be sure to subscribe to my channels to journey with me on this wild ride that is the Season of Anya. Lots of love and healing witches xxx